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1. Meetings - First Tuesday, @ 7:30 PM.
2. Work Night - Tuesdays during DST; start 4:30 PM and after.
3. Pay bill on time - Check must be received by 25th or Guido will get you - 10% late penalty.
4. Reservations computer system; assignment of member number and password. Cancel as soon as you know you aren't going, ½ hour late leaving - somebody else can take plane, call whoever has plane next if you will be returning late.
Before you go: Naper Aero Rules and Courtesies
1. The meaning of "No training at Naper".
2. Flying at night - Residential Airport – limit night operations, have some courtesy for early sleepers.
3. Lock clubroom when you leave, EVERYTIME. Keep strangers out.
4. E - W Runway - use it when you need to; N - S runway preferred, TO & LDG both ways OK on E - W when necessary.
5. Auto parking - not on grass except for north of hangar along the north edge of Finzer lot (next to bushes); on tie downs OK.
6. Pattern altitude is 1500 MSL, runway 36 preferred.
7. Taxiway crossovers, location of grass crossover.
8. Run up areas - Only East of the N - S runway, not in line with grass N - S runway, and NEVER at or near gas pumps.
9. Check out at LL10. Comfortable with crosswind on 18-36. Able to use 9 - 27.
Before you go: The plane
1. Nothing on the glare shield (especially headsets, since they will scratch the inside of the wind screen). Hang head set on yoke.
2. Check times, squawks, and oil change. Oil change due yet? If it will become due during your flight, contact a Plane Captain to make arrangements.
3. Need to add oil? Only add when below 6 quarts (all airplanes), and not to full; most of the last quart blows out.
4. Close hangar doors when away on flight, and before starting engine.
5. Winter Ops: Planes are normally hangered. If left outside, use of propylene glycol and hot water. Planning for sun deice. Methods of cleaning wind screen: NEVER use plastic windshield scraper, only cloth, or brushes.
6. Need supplies? Green locker combination and contents.
7. Three ring binder aircraft manual MUST remain in airplane for plane to fly legal. DO NOT TAKE THIS MANUAL HOME!
Return: Fueling
2. After every flight fill to "tabs".
3. Use of static electricity safety line, reasons why.
4. Enter fuel and oil used in plane, at home and away.
5. Fuel hose over shoulder keeps handle off wing and strain off filler neck.
6. Aircraft are to face EAST at pumps, explanation of traffic patterns.
7. Use ladder on all aircraft, not strut steps, all aircraft use 100 LL (light blue). Always fill passenger side tank FIRST. Fuel selector on left or right, not both.
8. Fuel or oil purchase away, save receipt, you will be given credit at the LL10 price.
Putting it to bed
1. Clean out your trash.
2. Safety belts stowed, and tidy the airplane. Clean up the mess you made.
3. Recording hours flown and squawks.
4. Replace what you use up (in airplane) - paper towels, oil, et cetera.
5. Cleaning leading edges and windscreen – use nylon scouring pad with water. CLOTH only on windscreen.
6. Tanis heaters and cover in winter.
7. Tie down (if necessary) - do tail last; tie extra strap to standing line.
8. Bird plugs for cowl. Cessna 172 horizontal stabilizer especially vulnerable.
9. Hangar winches, use and operation. Potential for damage to the fuselage.
1. Each plane's “Captain”  - call when any problem.
2. Maintenance away - OK if safety affected for return - call "Captain" if in doubt.
3. Oil changes - Every 50 hours - done by BFC oil change crew, check placards on panels, call "Captain" to make appointment.
4. Use water or "Brillianize" to clean windscreens, use soft cloth only, no bug pads.
5. Supplies - oil, paper towels, cleaning stuff - green locker or red trunk.
6. Necessary papers - time, squawk, VOR check sheets - in green locker.
1. No VFR on top unless IFR rated - club rule.
2. No business use flights - IRS Rule - nonprofit status.
3. Only approved instructors may instruct in club planes.
4. Plane found in messy condition, beyond oil change or other unresolved problem, call the previous pilot.
Ray Kvietkus, August 2016

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