The BFC is an aircraft ownership club suited for private pilots who fly for recreation or someone who wants to become a private pilot. Our members enjoy sharing ownership of three well maintained Cessna aircraft because we are the ones that maintain them. We are not a business or flight school so all dues, aircraft hourly rates and sweat equity go directly to costs associated with the aircraft.
We are located at small, friendly Naper Aero Estates in Chicago’s southwest suburbs. We invite you to explore our website and learn more about the club or come out to one of our meetings to learn firsthand what we’re about. Meetings are held in the club house at the airport at 7:30 PM on the first Tuesday of every month. The airport is located south of Fox Valley Shopping Center just east of the intersection of Route 59 and 83rd Street in Naperville, Illinois. During the warmer months we enjoy a cookout where you are welcome to join us for some good food and the camaraderie of people who love to fly.
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