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Membership Information

We ask that all applicants for membership have a valid FAA medical certificate and have completed a brief orientation flight with a BFC instructor. If you are a new student pilot we can help you obtain a medical certificate. All prospective members, regardless of experience, must complete the orientation flight. Note that this is not a proficiency check flight. In fact, you can apply for membership even if you’ve never flown an airplane. We’ll get you started.

The first step to joining is to obtain a Member Application. You can download one from our website, obtain one at a club meeting, or get one from the BFC bulletin board at the airport. You can also obtain an application from any of our flight instructors or club officers.

The next step is to contact one of our club flight instructors to arrange for your orientation flight. Once you’ve completed this flight, submit your application (signed by your BFC instructor) along with a copy of your current medical certificate and pilot certificate, if applicable, to the club secretary either by mail to the address given below, at a meeting, or forwarded through your instructor.

Applicants are eligible to join on a first come, first serve basis, with the date of eligibility established on receipt of their completed application (with required documents and instructor sign off) by the club secretary. Applicants must attend the meeting in which they are joining - or - have attended at least one meeting within the previous 3-months and are represented at the meeting in which they are joining by proxy.

The acceptance of all applicants into the BFC is voted on by the general membership. All joining members must pay their first equity installment and first month’s dues at the meeting in which they join or have arranged to participate in the Club’s payment plan. Keys and POH’s are distributed by club instructors to new members upon satisfactory proficiency check flights in each respective aircraft. Access to the reservation system will be granted once you have joined the club.

Please note that ALL applicants, prior to joining, are required to review our Club Bylaws and Rules and Regulations. A copy can be downloaded from our website or obtained from the club secretary.

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