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General Information

The BFC was founded in November 1957 by a small group of dedicated pilots with the purpose of providing safe aircraft for pleasure flying and flight training at a reasonable cost. The BFC operates out of Naper Aero (LL10), a small, friendly private airport community in Naperville. Just south of Fox Valley Shopping Center, Naper Aero is easy to get to. You’ll find it a half block east of the intersection of Route 59 and 83rd St. with off-street parking available.

The BFC is limited to 45 active flying members and owns three well-maintained, hangared, late model Cessna aircraft. Our members are all ages, male and female, married and single. Most of our members are private pilots, many with instrument ratings. We also have a number of student pilots, commercial pilots, ATP’s, and certified flight instructors.

Our Aircraft: The BFC maintains three aircraft including a 2007 Cessna 172SP, 1999 Cessna 172SP, and 2007 Cessna 182T. All three aircraft are IFR certified and well equipped with moving map GPS’s, autopilots, 4-place intercoms, dual nav-com radios and engine block heaters. Our 2007 Cessna 172S and 182T have the latest G1000 glass panel avionics suite. Aircraft are available on a first come, first served basis through our Internet based reservation system.

General Financial Information

The BFC is a not-for profit corporation registered with the State of Illinois. All of our members are equal equity owners in our aircraft. We are financially solvent and proud of our excellent financial history. Our debt to asset ratio is outstanding. Aircraft rental income and member dues cover all of our operating expenses.

Rates and Cost Structure

Our active members find the BFC to be extremely cost effective. For example, if you are just learning to fly, membership in the BFC can save you $2,000 to $3,000 over commercial flight training facilities using comparable equipment! If you are already rated, and fly regularly, membership in the BFC can save you even more. Compare and you’ll see!

Equity Buy-in: $4,250.00 - note that this deposit is fully refundable when leaving the club.

Dues: $153 per month

Rental Rates

(See Home page sidebar for current rates)

Flight time is based on TACH time, wet (including fuel) and covers all insurance, maintenance, oil, etc. A fuel surcharge is included in the hourly rate and will vary based upon our cost of fuel. The member pilot should expect to cover his/her own expenses for headsets, charts, instruction, aircraft manuals, etc.

Meeting Schedule

BFC holds a monthly meeting on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 P.M. The meetings are held at the Naper Aero office at the south end of the field. Work nights are held before the meetings during the months encompassing daylight savings time to perform light maintenance and clean, wash and wax the airplanes. Members are encouraged to attend the work nights and meetings. Social events, including a summer picnic and a Christmas party, are planned periodically for members, family and friends. A monthly newsletter is e-mailed to each member.

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